Jeff the Killer vs Frieza

It was a cold night in space when Frieza was looking online. He discovered that some murder named Jeff the Killer was gaining more attention across the internet then he was, and went to earth to kill him.
So frieza made it to earth and found Jeff.
Frieza: Hey you! I heard of you and I will kill you!
Jeff turned around, holding a bloody knife. He began to run towards frieza:
Jeff: DIE!!!
But Jeff slipped and cracked his skull open.
And then frieza blew up earth.
But Jeff woke up and it was all a dream. Except he was on planet namek for some reason. So he found Frieza and wanted to kill him.
Frieza: NO!
The two battled it out but jeff was overmatched He was almost died, and frieza was readying his final attack.
But Jeff, being the asshole he is, went super saiyan and beat the living shit out of Frieza. Frieza would never lay a finger on earth again.
And that's the day when Jeff became the most powerful and feared murderer in history.